Thursday, March 22, 2012

Real Men Of Genius

Stan: Watching a truck driver unload fertilizer for the biz across the street. He gets the pallet Jack over loaded and when he rolls it to the lift gate he for  gets he pulled in on am angle. Then he struggles like a mofo to hold the now balancing stack of fertilizer from tipping and lower the lift gate with controls that are just at his finger tips lol
Stan: Then he gets the pallet Jack off the lift gate and it wont budge. Ah...its because.the pallets ate touching the ground. Apparently he doesn't understand the "Jack" in pallet Jack. I'm glad I'm not a product of yje public educational system.
Stan: Although auto correct would like you to think I am.
Stan: F***ing score! He just did it again only this time he dumped it off the lift gate from about 4 feet. Yeah!!!!!
Stan: You'd think he would have learned the first time.
Me: No, actually I'm not surprised.
Me: Massive fail
Stan: I wonder if this guy ever delivers China or flat screen TV's or antiquities
Me: Massive fail
Stan: Why the f*** he doesn't back up to the garage they are stacking this stuff in is beyond me oh wait ...... derp.
Stan: I just heard one of my neighbors suggest to him that he back in further so they don't have to move tons of this shit 30 feet more than they need, AND I CAN PULL MY TRUCK INTO MY PARKING LOT. HERPA.....F***ING.....DERP!
Stan: I don't always hold a steering wheel, but when I do I drop all your shit and clog your driveway
Me: singing: Real men of geeeeenius
Stan: 3rd times the charm. He didn't dump the Jack but it had 1/5th the stack the other loads had. I guess a success is a success no matter how you get it
Stan: Back twerk.

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